Artificial intelligence & Learning
Cegos 2021 white paper

White paper

Artificial Intelligence is a powerful accelerator of innovation in training. The aim is twofold: to enable learners to be better trained and trainers to better support them.

At Cegos, we are convinced that human interaction is increasingly important as technology advances. Technology must serve people, not the other way around.

In this white paper, you'll learn more about :

  • The impact of AI on Learning & Development
  • The 3 fields of use of AI for skills development
  • How to set the ethical framework for AI in training
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Duis auctor ipsum eget velit luctus, et ornare purus sollicitudin. Nulla vestibulum massa ex, at pulvinar tortor pellentesque vitae. Quisque id dictum velit.

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Duis feugiat velit nec lacus tempus sagittis. Nuc varius feugiat sapien, ut rhoncus nunc sagittis sit amet.lla laoreet dui neque, eu convallis ligula vestibulum nec.

Duis feugiat velit nec lacus tempus sagittis. Nuc varius feugiat sapien, ut rhoncus nunc sagittis sit amet.lla laoreet dui neque, eu convallis ligula vestibulum nec.

Duis feugiat velit nec lacus tempus sagittis. Nuc varius feugiat sapien, ut rhoncus nunc sagittis sit amet.lla laoreet dui neque, eu convallis ligula vestibulum nec.