Research paper

"Brave new ways of working" by Cegos APAC

The focus within the research is representative of the most common themes we hear from our customers, enterprise experts, the media and bloggers on what constitutes the main building blocks for business success as we accelerate into the future.

We received almost 2,000 responses from business, HR and learning leaders in all the major ASEAN countries. Some markets fared better than others, but there was a startling and overriding message that came out of our survey results: leaders and managers across the APAC region must do more to embrace technological advances and inspire a culture of innovation, a change mindset and new ways of working. Otherwise, they risk falling behind their competitors.

The research paper gives you the key findings:

  • Organisations must actively embrace digital disruption
  • Senior management should promote an innovation culture, leading by example
  • Management must be proactive as well as reactive to rapid change
  • Worker flexibility is the way forward, with a strong correlation to business success
  • Remote collaboration and communication skills cannot be ignored
  • There is an urgent need to refocus training on the future of work
  • Change is crucial for the future health of your business
  • The biggest challenges of business transformation

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Duis feugiat velit nec lacus tempus sagittis. Nuc varius feugiat sapien, ut rhoncus nunc sagittis sit amet.lla laoreet dui neque, eu convallis ligula vestibulum nec.